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Coating the halibut in flour and spices before pan-searing gives it a gorgeous golden-brown crust.
Simmer carrots and remaining ingredients in small pot.
When tender, purée in blender using cooking liquid as needed to thin out sauce to your liking.
Adjust seasoning. Pour back into sauce pot, cover to keep warm.
Heat olive oil in a medium skillet over medium heat.
When hot, sear cauliflower florets. Do not disturb; after a few minutes, turn the pieces to achieve a crust, then toss and season with salt and pepper and add garlic to pan.
Cook just another 30-45 seconds to toast garlic, being cautious not to burn the garlic.
Transfer to a plate.
Reserve Brussels sprouts to cook in pan with halibut.
Heat a heavy-bottomed pan such as a cast iron or a black steel pan over medium heat. Don’t add oil yet.
Rub a touch of oil to fish to coat the filet on both sides, then season fish with Aleppo chilis, coriander, chives, salt and pepper. Coat with flour. Do this on both sides of the fish.
Now add canola to hot pan. Place each filet into hot oil and allow to gain a nice golden crust before moving the fillet.
Tilt the pan and spoon some of the hot oil over the top of the fillets. Check the bottom edge for a light golden-brown crust, if you see it, then carefully flip the fish and cook another 1 to 2 minutes. I like to slide the fish, making room to cook the Brussels sprouts with the fish. Cover.
Meanwhile, spoon some carrot sauce onto two entrée plates. After a minute, remove the lid and divide the Brussels sprouts onto two plates and top with a portion of halibut. Add some cauliflower around each fish. Enjoy!
In a high power blender, add a handful of some soft herbs - this can be any that you choose or even a blend (parsley, cilantro, basil, dill, nettles, lovage, chives) along with a pinch of salt and about a 1/2 cup of neutral oil. (Canola, vegetable, grape seed, safflower all work!) Blend on high and then strain. I use herb oils a lot when finishing vegetables or decorating entrées like this one. A little extra pop of herbs always brightens your dish!